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Does Bridgehead Have Wifi

What happens w/o the piping also try adding the /verbose option to the end of the command.bridgeheads doesn't work for Windows 2000If replication is working you should be ok, but it sounds odd all BH aren't listed.-Paul BergsonMVP - Directory ServicesMCITP: Enterprise AdministratorMCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci2008, Vista, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4Twitter @pbbergsno e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup. This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, and confers no rights. What happens w/o the piping also try adding the /verbose option to the end of the command.bridgeheads doesn't work for Windows 2000If replication is working you should be ok, but it sounds odd all BH aren't listed.-Paul BergsonMVP - Directory ServicesMCITP: Enterprise AdministratorMCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci2008, Vista, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4Twitter @pbbergsno e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup. This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, and confers no rights. In addition,Re padmin /bridgeheadslists the bridgehead servers for a specified site.repadmin /bridgeheads /verboseParameterDescriptionSpecifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. For details about, seerepadmin /listhelp./verboseLists detailed information.For clarity: The following example shows only bridgeheads only for the HUB site. The following example shows the normal and verbose modes to help compare them. “The RPC service is unavailable” status is abbreviated as RPC. “The operation completed successfully” status is abbreviated as status.Bridgeheads for site HUB (rootdns.contoso.com):Source Site Local Bridge Trns Fail. Time #Status BRANCH2 BRANCH-HUB-BH IP 2005-02-14 14:18:52 3 RPC.Configuration researchBRANCH1 BRANCH-HUB-BH IP (never) 0 Success.Configuration ForestDnsZones DomainDnsZones researchBRANCH3 BRANCH-HUB-BH IP (never) 0 Success.Configuration DomainDnsZones ForestDnsZones researchBridgeheads for site HUB (rootdns.contoso.com):Source Site Local Bridge Trns Fail.

Does Bridgehead Have Wifi Password

Does Bridgehead Have Wifi

Time #Status BRANCH2 BRANCH-HUB-BH IP 2005-02-14 14:18:52 3 RPC.Naming Context Attempt TimeSuccess Time #Fail Last Result Configuration 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:18:513 RPC.research 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:18:522 RPC.Source Site Local Bridge Trns Fail. Time #Status BRANCH1 BRANCH-HUB-BH IP (never) 0 SuccessNaming Context Attempt TimeSuccess Time #Fail Last Result Configuration 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:51:410 Success.ForestDnsZones 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:52:37 0 Success.DomainDnsZones 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:53:15 0 Success.research 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:52:370 Success.Source Site Local Bridge Trns Fail. Time #Status BRANCH3 BRANCH-HUB-BH IP (never) 0 Success.Naming Context Attempt TimeSuccess Time #Fail Last Result Configuration 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:51:420 Success.DomainDnsZones 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:53:15 0 Success.ForestDnsZones 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:52:37 0 Success.research 2005-02-14 14:-02-14 14:53:150 Success.Repadmin /bridgeheads is run remotely against adomain controller in the HUB site and the output is the perspective of the topology for ROOTDNS. In these examples, we are seeing local bridgehead serverBRANCH-HUB-BH is having replication problems with the remote bridgehead server in theBRANCH2 site.Fields of interestExplanationSource SiteSource site from where the local bridge head (inbound) is pulling data. Remember replication is always inbound.Local BridgeLocal Bridge head server for the site for which the tool is displaying results. In the example in figure, BRANCH-HUB-BH is the bridgehead server of the HUB site.TrnsIn the example in figure, the transport is IP.Fail timeThis is the last successful replication time.#Number of failures since the last successful replication time.StatusReplication status.Naming ContextDirectory partition. Remember Bridgeheads are partition specific.Attempt timeLast replication attempt time with the remote bridgehead.Success timeLast successful replication time with the remote bridgehead.#FailNumber of attempts since the failure per partition.Last resultLatest replication status.

Bridgehead Login

Replication is performed for each partition. But sometimes we do not see the Schema partition listed in the previous example as a naming context (partition) and hence there are no bridgeheadslisted. This is not a limitation of the tool; it has to do with the how information is stored in the connection object that is queried to determine the bridgehead.

If you see the configuration partition in the output, it is implied that schema is also includedbecause the KCC calculates the configuration and schema partitions to have the same replication topology.All about repadmin.HTHBiswajitMCC,Best regards Biswajit Biswas Disclaimer: This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights. MCP 2003,MCSA 2003, MCSA:M 2003, CCNA, MCTS, Enterprise Admin. You can also use replmon tool to check the bridgehead server in server site or ennterrpise.Repadmin / bridgeheads:Lists the bridgehead servers for a specified site.repadmin /bridgeheads DCLIST /verbose Parameters DCLIST Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax./verbose Lists detailed information.Hope this helpsBest Regards, Sandesh Dubey.MCSE MCSA:Messaging MCTS MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator Disclaimer: This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights.

I originally got this from Laura's cook book, found a link on the internet.BergsonMVP - Directory ServicesMCITP: Enterprise AdministratorMCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci2008, Vista, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4Twitter @pbbergsno e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup. This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, and confers no rights.